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Loan Agreement Templates (Between Friends)

Loan Agreement Templates: A Guide To Protecting Your Finance And Relationships!

Loans between friends and family is very common. But what is not common is a smooth process of loan taking and then giving back. Where it is easy to ask a friend or family member for help, it is not easy process if not handled properly. A Loan Agreement between friends can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are on the same page. In this post, you will find some templates for how you can write Loan Agreement between friends. You can use, edit and download any of the template. Just read along to know how you can do it. See also Personal Loan Agreement Templates.  

Why Do You Need a Loan Agreement Between Family And Friends?

  1. Avoid Misunderstandings: A loan agreement helps prevent misunderstandings about the loan amount, interest rate, repayment terms, and other conditions.
  2. Protect Your Relationship: By putting the terms of the loan in writing, you can avoid conflict and strained relationships may arise from unclear expectations.
  3. Ensure Repayment: As family tend to can’t force their position, loan agreement can help ensure that the borrower repays the loan, as it provides a clear outline of the repayment.
  4. Reduce Risk: A loan agreement can reduce the risk of lending money to a friends, as it provides a clear understanding of the loan terms and conditions.

Loan Agreement Templates Between Friends And Family:

Loan Contract Templates:

How To Write An Agreement Of Repayment Between Friends?

  • Loan Amount And Interest Rate: Specify the loan amount  and interest rate, if applciable.
  • Repayment Terms: including schedule, amount and frequency.
  • Collateral: Define the collateral that will be use to secure the loan.
  • Default And Late Payment Provisions: You can also define penalties or fees in case of late payment.
  • Discuss and Agree On Terms: Sit down and discuss everything before making the contract. So that both the parties understand the importance of the contract.
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction: If the loan amount is huge or payee repay has bad reputation about the repayment process use governing law ans jurisdiction to further secure the deal.

How To Edit And Download Free Loan Agreement Sample Between Family And Friends?

Choose the template design that you suitable. Click the free “Download” button beneath the template and download it within seconds. Open the template in your system and start editing. Make sure to have MS Office installed to work with your templates. 


Loan Agreement Letter Between Family: