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Daily Temperature Log Sheet Templates

 Daily Temperature Log Sheet Templates: Tool To Monitor And Maintain Safe Environment:

Temperature holds great importance especially under authorised circumstances. For example, food establishment, healthcare facilities or industrial environment. Even a single plant needs to have certain temperature to grow an replenish. A Daily Temperature Log Sheet helps to document and record temperature under various settings as described above. The following post consists of 5 Templates for Daily Temperature Log Sheets. These serve multiple purpose ans can be furnished accordingly. See also Time Record Log Sheet Templates.

What Is A Daily Temperature Log Sheet?

A Daily Temperature Log Sheet is a standardised document  that records temperature readings at regular intervals, typically hourly and daily. The Log Sheet may include the following information:

  • Date and Time of temperature reading
  • Temperature reading (in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit)
  • Location of temperature reading (e.g. refrigerator, freezer, warehouse)
  • Name or initials of the person taking the temperature reading
  • Any notes or comments regarding the temperature reading

Daily Temperature Log Sheet Templates:

How To Make Temperature Log Sheet Samples?

Creating a Daily Temperature Log Sheet is a straightforward process that can be done manually or digitally. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Determine the frequency of temperature reading: Decide how often you want to take temperature reading, e.g., hourly, daily, weekly.
  2. Choose a format: Select a format that is easy to read and understand, such as a table or chart.
  3. Include necessary columns: Ensure that your log sheet includes columns for date, time, temperature readings, locations and name or initials of the person taking.
  4. Add notes or comments section
  5. Review and revise: Review your log sheet regularly and revise it as necessary to ensure it remains effective and easy to use. 
  6. Machine Maintenance Log Sheet Templates. 

Weekly Temperature Log Sheet Samples:

Merits And Demerits of Using Temperature Log Sheets:


A daily temperature log sheet helps to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, such as food safety standards. Regular monitoring helps prevent temperature related accidents and ensures a safe environment. Hence improving safety and security. You can also identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced. ANd save your energy and time to increase productivity and efficacy. 


Taking temperature on regularly intervals can be time-consuming and you may need an employee to keep the data accurate. Also manual recording of temperature reading can lead to errors, which can compromise the accuracy of the log sheet. Paper based log sheet may not be easily accessible to multiple users or locations.

Weekly Temperature Log Sheet Examples In Word:


1.How Often should temperature reading be taken?

Temperature readings should be taken at regular intervals, typically hourly or daily depending on the specific requirements of your settings. 

2. Can a Daily Temperature Log Sheet be used digitally?

Yes, a Daily Temperature Log Sheet can be created and used digitally, using software or apps that allow for easy data entry.

3. What should I do if I notice an unusual temperature reading?

If your nitice an unusual temperature reading, investigate the cause immediately and take corrective actions to prevent and potential risks or hazards.

4. How Long should i keep a Daily Temperature log sheet?

Th length of time you should keep a Temperature Log Sheet depends on the specific requirements of your setting, but it’s generally recommended to keep them for at least 6-12 months.

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