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Top 5 Payment Schedule Templates

What is a Payment Schedule?

When you’re running an organization, the most used documents are the payment schedules. These charts show the amount of money a payee owes to a payer. It can usually be for a specified period of time or a single invoice. Payment Schedule charts are typically signed on the date the invoice was received. While they are very important, these charts can be easily manipulated and printed out to serve as checklists or workbooks for a company’s employees. The following post contains Best 5 Payment Chart Templates for your help and guide. Read along to know how you can use and download them.

How to Create a Payment Schedule?

Select a Template:

Be sure to get a template that has blank columns for all necessary information, including applicable fees and the due invoice total. The financial transaction information should also be filled in. But be sure it includes everything a customer needs to know.

Add In Your Data:

If you plan to add more than one customer or payee on the monthly or yearly chart, include their full names, addresses, and contact numbers. Also, the amount due for each bill should also be entered in the appropriate fields, as well as the payment date and the bank name or debit number for the payment.

Most companies get installment and recurring invoices from clients. You may use any or all of these types of invoices, but your company should have its own preference when it comes to filling in the details. To keep things simple, there are two ways of creating payment schedule templates: either through Microsoft Word or QuickBooks. Choose the method that works best for you.

Here are the previews of Free Payment Schedule Samples:

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Payment Schedule Template # 2:

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Payment Schedule Template # 5:

free report template

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