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Cash Flow or Budgeted CF Report Template

The statement of cash flow is one of the main financial statements. This report is about cash used and generated during a specific period. Its period depends upon the company. A cash flow report or (Financial Statement) is a record of the financial activities of a business or other entity. A cash flow report is meant to present the financial information of the business, and the entity in question as clearly & concisely as possible for the both business & the reader. The Balance Sheet Report shows the record of transactions made during a year by the company. It includes the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows.

The statement of cash flow is divided into three main categories which are the following,

  • Operating Activities
  • Investing Activities
  • Financial Activities

So the statement of cash flow shows the net cash “Inflow & Outflow” during the specific period.

Below is the preview for our Cash Flow Statement Report Template created in MS Excel:

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