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40+ Free Receipt Templates

What Is A Receipt?

A Receipt is a legal document containing all the important information regarding a transaction. No matter whether you are buying a product or service or selling one, you need to have affirmation that the deal is done completely and you or the seller is paid. Receipts are compiled to ensure what was the product/service and on what terms was it sold or bought etc. Below you will find a Free 40+ Receipt Template serving different purposes. All the template designs are created in MS Word and Excel.

How To Make A Receipt?

The construction of a receipt depends on the requirements. There are several types and kinds of receipts that a business person may use every day or very often. Various types of Receipts include Sales Receipts, Purchase Receipts, Rent Receipts, etc. Here we tried to compile as many receipt templates for you as possible. Although you will require MS Office to further work with any of the templates.

Here are the previews of Free Receipt Samples:

Sales Receipt Templates:

Sales Receipt Templates consist of samples that are suitable for Receipts with sales information. You can download any of the Receipt Sample by simply clicking the download button below.


Donation Receipt Samples:

Here are Free Receipt Templates for Donations. You can download any of the templates by clicking the download link given below each preview. Make sure to have MS Office installed in your system. 

Rent Receipt Templates:

The following template is for Rent Receipts. The information includes Renter’s name, amount, date, and other information. These Rental Receipts are applicable for Vehicle Rent, Property Rent, Commercial Rent and/or Residencial Rent, etc.

Delivery Receipt Examples:

The following are free Receipt Templates for Delivery. These contain information about the product, the delivery man, and the place the product is being delivered to. Along with the name of the product, quantity, etc. Here are the previews of Free Delivery Receipt Templates.

Hotel Receipt Samples: